New Defects Procedure

Some residents have been having unsatisfactory results with defect remediation for their new apartment. We recently had a meeting with the Developer and have come with a plan for actioning this.

In the first instance, stick with the procedure you were given – go directly to the contact you’ve been provided and follow it up straight away. Hopefully the issue will be resolved quickly. If not, inform the Body Corporate Committee (BCC) of your issues and we will maintain a list of unresolved issues throughout the complex. We will periodically take this back the Developer directly, who will follow it up. We will communicate with the Developer for all such escalations on behalf of the complex.

There are a few ways to reach committee members:

  • Through the resident group chat on Signal (if you’re not a member already, join here)
  • The contact form on the website (here)
  • Email direct to committee <at> 16constable <dot> com

Many of you already know some of the BCC members personally, so feel free to approach us if you see us around the complex, or send us a text if your have our phone number.

Finally, if you have any outstanding build issues, please get in touch now with your apartment number and the nature of the issue, and once we have an initial list built, we’ll take it to the Developer.